The Frankfurt Book Fair is the meeting point of all things book around the world. It is starting on Wednesday, October 6th. This year, we have decided to be present differently than the previous years. We'll be strolling the alleys and visiting partners, sharing experiences with like minded businesses, presenting our service in a conference, rather than have a booth. This said, if you want to get a hold of us - and we'd really love to see you there, it's always great to meet interested people for real rather than online or not at all - you have three possibilities.

First, Argentina being the Guest of Honor of the Frankfurt book fair this year, you'll be able to meet the great folks of Wikimedia Argentina, with whom we've worked on books they can show you. They'll be presenting, most especially, their book on the Bicentenial of the May Revolution (Bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo). Throughout Thursday and Friday, you'll have a chance to catch them at the Heinrich Böll Stiftung booth: Hall 3.1 B 150. You should also go to the conference they're giving on Argentina Copyleft, the Crisis of Copyright and the Democratisation of Culture on Thursday morning.
Second, our very own Christoph (Kepper) will be participating in a panel on the subject "Content Print on Demand – A Model for the Future?" where he'll say what he thinks the future has in store for us and wiki books. Please go and bombard him with tough questions, he'll love that!
Third, Christoph, Eva, Heiko and myself will be at various times and days at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Just drop us an email through the feedback form if you want to meet, with your email/phone and we'll get back to you, or phone in at +49 (0) 6131 327 180 9 to make an appointment! We're looking forward to seeing you in the great Temple of books!
Photo: © Dontworry, CC-BY-SA 3.0, Source: Wikimedia Commmons
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