This year, we'll be giving presentations and workshops about books and their impact on the Wikimedia Projects and the World.
Gaëtan (Headbomb) will be giving a presentation on how the use of Wikipedia content offline actually helps better the quality of content online. I urge you to attend this presentation. It is amazing what making a book brings to the way one sees Wikipedia articles and Gaëtan has been working hard in getting the Wikiproject Wikipedia-Books off the ground, so he has hands-on experience which is worth hearing.
Heiko will be talking about how much the book tool has evolved in the past year and what we have in store for an ever more interesting and more useful book creator. He will also propose a workshop to help trigger more ideas and find viable solutions to publish Wikipedia Books and get them into bookstores.
Wikimania is a lot of fun and a great place to meet everyone remotely interested in the field of wikis and that of free knowledge. Before Wikimania, we'll also be hanging around Wikisym, the place to be for research about wikis and wiki communities.
We're looking forward to meeting you there, don't hesitate to drop us a word in the comments if you want to meet in Gdańsk, for a beer or a book ;). You can also grab us at the conference when you see us, most of us will be there!
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