
Tell Me What Books You Read, I Will Tell You Who You Are

In a BBC article titled "What does your Bookcase Say About You?", Siobhan Toman reviews the reasons why people have books and most importantly, what they do with them.
Apart from the fact that books may rest your eyes from the computer screen, they also have tremendous social value. Ever since the printing press has been invented, displaying books would show not only
how very learned you were - you could read - but they were also very expensive. At one throw, you proved your intellectual and monetary value.
says Ms Geddes-Brown, author of Books Do Furnish a Room.
The author points out that whatever may have been said about how the rise of the internet and the plethora of content available through websites would be the end of the printed book, it is being proved wrong everyday. Online availability of texts have not in the least defeated the power of printed books, on the contrary. We at PediaPress are of course convinced that printed books have a great future and that they help knowledge being passed around and withstand time.
So going with the idea that our books say something about us, I went and had a look at the Billy bookcase in my living room. On the middle shelf, I found, in no particular order:

  • A set of French classic poetry paperbacks (Saint John Perse, Baudelaire...)
  • A book on Tolkien's world
  • A book on a North Pole Expedition
  • An Encyclopedia of the MGM
  • A book on Dolphins
  • A book on Wine
  • The Devil Wears Prada and some other airport reads
  • A book on ''Praktische Typografie''
  • One of the seven volumes of Harry Potter
  • Four or five history books, as well as Tocqueville's ''De la démocratie en Amérique''
  • A few French classics (Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant etc.)
  • A book about how to start your own company
  • Some Fantasy books (excellent Trudi Canavan) and some Science Fiction
What does that tell you about me? And what are the books on your shelves? We're curious, reader, we want to know you better ;-).

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